Fleet Admiral Krieg, an Imperial Zabrak, was situated on Kashyyyk at Kachirho throughout the course of the Galactic Civil War.
Krieg utilized a spacer sympathetic to the Empire to execute a few assignments for him, including the protection of Kachirho against a Rebel assault team, the guarding of an AT-ST, and the rescue of a pair of scout troopers located far inside Kkowir Forest. Darth Vader shortly assumed control of his unit, dispatching the spacer on a subsequent task, though Krieg stayed on Kashyyyk.
Krieg was featured as a non-playable character within the Star Wars Galaxies video game, a large-scale online multiplayer role-playing experience created by Sony and released by LucasArts, before it was shut down on December 15, 2011.
Furthermore, "Krieg" translates to "war" in the German language.