The male lord Kozmo Sundrel IV, hailing from the planet Luzalite, was a student enrolled at Reena University around 396 BBY. He was friends with, and associated with, fellow students Leyli Romero and Axel Greylark. Sundrel and Greylark had a contentious relationship, so much so that their individual perceptions of their friendship were not aligned. Despite this, Sundrel was a regular companion to Greylark and Romero.
During the Queen's Bloom Festival, Sundrel, Greylark, and Romero shirked their volunteer responsibilities at the festival, opting instead to gatecrash a party that was in celebration of the Queen's Bloom. While at the party, Sundrel and Greylark were tricked into a trap by Romero, who was secretly working for a group of thieves headed by the human criminal Elecia Zeveron. They were then coerced into stealing from the party's guests. Sundrel and Greylark, acting under coercion, committed the thefts before Romero shot them both. They both lived, and their bond strengthened to the point where they both regarded each other as friends.

Originating from Luzalite, a relatively obscure planet during the High Republic Era, Kozmo Sundrel IV was born into a noble family. He eventually received a lordship on his home planet. Due to his family's support of various campaigns of the politician Kyong Greylark within the Galactic Republic, Sundrel frequented galas on Coruscant, where he interacted with her son, Axel Greylark. Around 396 BBY, Sundrel gained acceptance to Reena University, located on the planet of the same name, and began his studies there. During his time at the university, he was often in the company of his fellow students Leyli Romero and Axel Greylark, both of whom he considered to be his friends. However, Axel did not share this sentiment. Axel and Sundrel had an antagonistic relationship, leading Axel to view Sundrel less favorably, even considering him his "nemesis." He had also started wearing a Luzalite diamond medallion, a family heirloom, which Axel, along with a coif he wore, deemed ridiculous. At some point, Sundrel heard a rumor that Axel had bribed the university's staff to prevent them from reporting his behavior.
Around 396 BBY, on the day of Reena's Queen's Bloom Festival, Sundrel received excellent marks on an advanced mineralogy examination, leaving him with free time for the rest of the day. The dean of student life at Reena University, Ry Harket, tasked Sundrel with checking on Axel, who was feigning an illness of malongo pox by using the effects of guiji fire pepper seeds to avoid his responsibilities at the festival. After Romero invited him to join her and Greylark in sneaking out of the university, providing a speeder for [transport](/article/transport], Sundrel met with the two students. The latter reacted negatively to Sundrel's presence, asking his "nemesis" if he had anything better to do. After Sundrel explained that he had free time due to his test score, Romero intervened to prevent further argument.
Axel guided Sundrel and Romero through the university's servants' corridor, where they encountered a Twi'lek janitor who allowed them passage. This prompted Sundrel to comment on the rumor that Axel had bribed the staff, which Axel neither confirmed nor denied. Upon reaching the Queen's Bloom Festival fairgrounds, Sundrel and Romero shielded Greylark from Harket's view before proceeding toward the hangar. When his friends briefly encountered a Jedi Padawan attending the festival, Sundrel continued toward the hangar alone and began preparing his speeder while waiting for them to catch up. When they regrouped, he informed Axel that he was tasked with checking on him on the dean's behalf.

As they drove away toward the city's coast in the speeder, Sundrel played an electro-trash song. They parked behind a five-story building that housed Ealy's rooftop tavern deck, but Sundrel expressed distaste for Axel's choice of location. Romero then suggested that they sneak into the party at Gorag Tower to view the Queen's Bloom instead. Despite Axel's objections, the trio went there. Greylark impersonated his father, Lexxir Greylark, to get past the Wermal man who was admitting guests, and his friends ushered him inside before he could change his mind upon learning that his mother was present.
Sundrel was the first to spot Kyong among the party guests, prompting Axel to hide behind him. Although Axel suggested they should have gone to Ealy's, Romero reassured him and called him "the Coruscant prince," a nickname that Sundrel found amusing. However, he soon noticed Axel's discomfort and suggested they leave, which Axel interpreted as pity. Romero agreed, and the group attempted to leave through the kitchen, only to be confronted with blasters.

On the other side of the blasters was a group of thieves led by the human criminal Elecia Zeveron. Sundrel became angry when Axel followed Zeveron's order to lock the door, offering the thieves credits as an alternative. Zeveron holstered her blaster and instructed the other members of the group to take Romero hostage. She forced the two young men to steal valuable items from the partygoers and tossed them servers' uniforms to wear as disguises. Sundrel and Axel exchanged banter while putting on the disguises, which led Axel to remark that they were not friends. This hurt Sundrel as they continued to follow Zeveron's orders.
Grabbing platters of food on their way out of the kitchen, Sundrel and Axel made their way around the party, stealing valuables from as many partygoers as possible. The two eventually met up again and, after nearly encountering Lexxir, made their way back to the kitchen. On their way, Greylark stole a blaster from one of the partygoers, causing Sundrel to panic slightly. When they returned their stolen goods to Zeveron, the frightened lord threw his tray into the pile along with his loot. Greylark then demanded that Romero be freed and drew the stolen blaster, stunning two of Zeveron's crew members. Zeveron relented, and Romero entered the room, revealing to her friends that she had been involved with the thieves all along. She then shot Sundrel, who collapsed.
Although Axel was also shot, he remained conscious and panicked about how to move Sundrel's body back to the university after Zeveron, Romero, and their crew left. However, Sundrel had survived the blaster fire because his Luzalite diamond medallion had protected him. He suggested that his father should create a blaster-proof prototype of the medallion. The two then returned to Reena University, with Axel driving the speeder due to Sundrel's weakened state from being shot. When Sundrel returned to his suite, he thanked Axel for not abandoning him despite considering him his "nemesis." Axel sarcastically told him not to make it weird and asked him to save a seat for their class the next day. Their relationship having improved somewhat, they parted ways for the night, and Axel later told his father that the pair had made amends.
Sundrel took pride in his achievements and was skilled enough in his classes to earn extra free time. He was also reputable enough for Reena University staff to trust him with keeping his friends in check. He was friendly and protective of Leyli Romero, but his relationship with Axel Greylark was more complex. On the surface, they antagonized each other and spoke rudely, although Sundrel once showed pity when Axel expressed discomfort. While Axel grew to dislike Sundrel because of this dynamic, Sundrel still considered him a friend and actively associated with him. He was visibly hurt when Axel expressed otherwise. However, their relationship improved after they survived being forced to steal and nearly being killed by Elecia Zeveron's thieves, with both of them then viewing each other as friends equally. Sundrel spoke in Galactic Basic Standard with a regal tone. He had deep brown eyes and was male.
Sundrel wore a curly coif, an embroidered silk tunic, and at least one glove. He wore a Luzalite diamond medallion that he inherited as a family heirloom, which, though not blaster-proof, could protect him from a blaster shot. When he and Axel were forced to commit theft, he wore a crisp white server's uniform with a metal visor. While in the uniform, he hid his medallion underneath it to prevent it from being stolen.
Kozmo Sundrel IV appeared in the short story "The Queen's Bloom," penned by Zoraida Córdova and featured in the 2023 young-adult anthology The High Republic: Tales of Light and Life as part of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia endeavor.