Korseg IV was a planet situated in the Grohl sector of the Outer Rim Territories. During the time of the Galactic Civil War, the Rebel Alliance had a base there. This base was found and subsequently attacked by a ground force belonging to the Galactic Empire. The battle that followed resulted in a victory for the Alliance.
Located in the Grohl sector within the Slice region of the Outer Rim Territories, Korseg IV was a far-flung planet. It was the fourth planet from its star in the Korseg system. This planet featured a sub-temperate climate and a landscape marked by a network of mountains.
The Rebel Alliance operated a base, Flare Base, high in the mountainous terrain of Korseg IV during the Galactic Civil War. This facility held very important data within its computers. At one point, the Galactic Empire learned the location of this base and sent a Strike-class medium cruiser to assault it.
Upon its arrival in the Korseg system, the cruiser proceeded directly towards Korseg IV. Sensors at Flare Base detected the incoming vessel. While the base activated its deflector shield and began an evacuation, the Rebel soldiers present readied themselves to fight the approaching Imperial ground force in battle. A dropship from the Imperial cruiser, carrying an All Terrain Armored Transport walker and a company of troopers, landed five kilometers to the north of the base. The Alliance forces engaged the Imperials and were victorious in the resulting conflict.
Korseg IV was initially referenced in Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game, Second Edition, a 1992 publication by West End Games written by Bill Smith. The Essential Atlas, a reference book from 2009, placed the Korseg system, and therefore Korseg IV, within grid square R-16.