Kor Oktanivii

The planetary body known as Kor Oktanivii was a world residing inside the Kor Oktanivii system. This system existed within the Bootana Hutta area of Hutt Space. Specifically, it was found in the Outer Rim Territories section of Hutt Space, which itself constituted a portion of the Slice within the galaxy. The hyperlanes provided connections to both the Gos Hutta and the Pybus systems.

Kor Oktanivii functioned as the throneworld for the Oktanivii kajidic.

Behind the Curtain

The initial mention of Kor Oktanivii appeared in The Essential Atlas, a reference book from 2009 authored by Jason Fry and Daniel Wallace. This book located the world within grid square S-11.

Resource Material

  • The Essential Atlas (Initial Mention)

Footnotes and Citations
