Kor Desilijic

Kor Desilijic, a planet within Hutt Space, was found in the Bootana Hutta sector. Its landscape was composed of broad swamps alongside imposing mountain chains. The Hutt clan known as Desilijic designated Kor Desilijic as their throneworld as they were re-establishing their influence and standing following the Hutt Cataclysms which ended around 15,000 BBY. The planet contained immense properties, such as the venerable Rasmal Valley Palace, used by the Desilijic to safeguard their extensive wealth, serve as a resort, and act as a fortified refuge when necessary.


Situated in the Bootana Hutta region of Hutt Space, Kor Desilijic, a terrestrial planet, resided within the Kor Desilijic system, which itself was a part of the Slice. Hyperlanes provided connections to the Gos Hutta, Groth, and Huloon systems. Kor Desilijic's terrain was characterized by extensive, elevated mountain ranges, with the intervening valleys filled by sizable lowlands and swamps. Thick fog hung over these wetlands.


The Hutt Cataclysms, a period of disasters and conflicts that resulted in the downfall of the Hutt Empire, concluded around 15,000 BBY. Subsequently, the Desilijic clan of the Hutt species worked to restore their diminished power and reputation. As part of this effort, the Hutt Rasmal Desilijic Bansek overcame eight other clans to secure control of the planet that would become known as Kor Desilijic. Rasmal's clan then transformed the world into a throneworld at the heart of Desilijic territory.


The Desilijic clan Hutts utilized Kor Desilijic as a recreational retreat and, when circumstances demanded, as a well-defended sanctuary, capitalizing on the Hutt clans' customary restraint against attacking another clan's throneworld. This function of Kor Desilijic, coupled with the considerable treasures stored there by the Desilijic, led to the implementation of numerous layers of top-tier security measures across the entire planet. These security precautions made it even more challenging for adversaries to infiltrate spies or assassins onto Kor Desilijic compared to other throneworlds.


Kor Desilijic was the site of ancient, sprawling Desilijic estates, with many of the largest residences built within the planet's swamps. However, others were located on its highest mountain peaks, above the swamps' mist. The incredibly lavish Rasmal Valley Palace, named in honor of Rasmal Desilijic Bansek, stood as one of the planet's oldest and most respected properties. Its various structures included entertainment halls capable of accommodating hundreds of Hutts at a time. Vast subterranean vaults within Kor Desilijic's estates housed the clan's substantial treasure and prized trophies accumulated over centuries, including valuable metals worth immeasurable amounts of credits.

Behind the scenes

The first mention of Kor Desilijic appeared in The Essential Atlas, a 2009 reference work co-authored by Daniel Wallace and Jason Fry, which identified its location as grid square S-11.


  • The Essential Atlas (First mentioned)
  • Lords of Nal Hutta

Notes and references
