Koiogra system

The Koiogra system existed inside the Grohl sector, a region found in the Slice area of the Outer Rim Territories. It was positioned along the super-hyperroute called the Triellus Trade Route, connecting it with both the Molavar and Piroket systems.

In 3637 BBY, Kendra Novar, a Human slicer from the Republic Navy who originated from the Koiogra system, made the starship move called the Koiogran turn well-known, naming it after her home. By the time that Grand Admiral Thrawn's campaign occurred against the New Republic during 9 ABY, the Koiogra system was located in space controlled by Thrawn's confederation of Imperial groups.

Production Notes

The Koiogra system initially appeared within The Essential Atlas, a reference book from 2009 written by Daniel Wallace and Jason Fry, which identified its location as grid R-16.

