Knell of Muspilli

The Knell of Muspilli represented a death-focused religious group. They made their home among the drifting moon-trees located in the Gunninga Gap within the Unknown Regions. Before the Taurannik Codex's destruction in 100,000 BBY, the Knell's followers created a written copy of its contents, hoping to invoke end-of-the-world deities from areas beyond the Gap. In their history, the Knell once battled the Warriors of Shadow, a group of Taung cultists who were considered a sisterhood, above a certain moon found in the Unknown Regions. Over thousands of years on the planets of the Nihil Retreat area, these two cults eventually joined forces, along with a third philosophical group known as the Kanzer Exiles. The Knell resurfaced around the time of the Clone Wars circa 22 BBY, and at this point they still asserted they could summon deities of the apocalypse from beyond shadows.

Behind the scenes

The reference book The Unknown Regions, released in 2010, provided the first mention of the Knell of Muspilli.

