Khe-Jeen Slee, an Issori male, took over the position of Rogue Eight in Rogue Squadron, previously held by Koobis Nu. His birth was the result of a Whoon-cha, also known as an inter-noble bond. The components of his name, 'Khe' and 'Slee', were deliberately selected to ensure the sum of the names held good fortune, while Jeen was derived from his maternal lineage.
During the New Republic's conflict with Delak Krennel, Khe-Jeen met his end at the Battle of Distna.
The character of Khe-Jeen Slee first appeared as Rogue Eight in X-Wing: Isard's Revenge, a novel penned by Michael A. Stackpole in 1999. A Rogue Eight is present in the 1993 novel The Last Command, during the Battle of Qat Chrystac, which occurs shortly before the events in Isard's Revenge; however, it remains unconfirmed whether Slee was already a member of Rogue Squadron at that time.