Kevreb Bebo

Kevrev Bebo held the rank of captain aboard the Misanthrope, a ship that met its end via a crash on D'vouran, a planet brought into existence through the machinations of Project Starscream.

Alongside his companion Lonni, he was among the twenty survivors of the crash, though many subsequently vanished. While awaiting rescue, the remaining survivors took shelter in a long-abandoned Imperial research facility. When one ventured out to check on their distress beacon, they too disappeared, ultimately leaving only Bebo and Lonni. The indigenous Enzeen informed them that the Imperials held Bebo responsible for the crash, condemning him and Lonni to remain on D'vouran. As new colonists arrived, Bebo attempted—unsuccessfully—to caution them regarding the disappearances. Possessing an Imperial amulet that shielded him from D'vouran's effects and prevented his own vanishing, he could safely warn the settlers, although they dismissed him as insane.

In the year 0 ABY, Mammon Hoole, DV-9, Tash, and Zak Arranda landed on D'vouran and encountered Bebo. Intrigued, Tash sought to hear his account, accompanying him to the laboratory, where he gifted her his protective amulet. Following her departure, he met his demise at the hands of a Gank assassin acting under the orders of Smada, a Hutt.

