Kettch, a dark-furred Ewok, lived on Endor circa 4 ABY. Post the Battle of Endor, he participated in the short-lived dispute between the Ewoks and their Rebellion comrades, the Lahsbees. This conflict was instigated by a Hiromi named Hirog. Kettch put on Imperial stormtrooper body armor and had a hatchet ready, in preparation for a war that never materialized.
Kettch's name was also used for a fictional Ewok X-wing pilot within Wraith Squadron, a fabrication created by pilot Wes Janson as a practical joke.
The moniker "Kettch" initially surfaced as part of a gag by Wraith Squadron's Wes Janson. He invented a fictitious Ewok applicant for squadron membership to prank Wedge Antilles. The squadron members continued the prank, eventually adding a stuffed Kettch doll. A real Kettch's existence was never suggested until a Hasbro action figure set, featuring a figure with that name, identified him as an Ewok in Marvel Comics' Star Wars 94. The figure shared the same mold (cowl included) as the earlier Ewok figure Romba, and also included a Stormtrooper breastplate that had been previously released with Han Solo.
The packaging's depiction of the Kettch action figure aligns with an Ewok in the Marvel comic, sporting an orange hood, stormtrooper armor, and a hatchet.