Keets Freely, a male Human author, was employed by The Coruscant Holo Net during the era of the Clone Wars. Notably, he was among the initial individuals to question Palpatine's motives, observing that he was "grabbing all the power while still smiling at us."

During the time of the Separatist Crisis, Keets Freely, working as a journalist, uncovered a scheme involving the InterGalactic Banking Clan and Palpatine, who was then serving as Supreme Chancellor. Palpatine had used billions in taxpayer funds to establish secret accounts for corporations linked to the IGBC, in return for the IGBC's backing within the Galactic Senate. Freely attempted to publish his findings, but the editor refused to allow it, leading to Freely's resignation.
Upon Palpatine's ascension to Galactic Emperor, the newly established Galactic Empire condemned Freely to execution. Freely managed to evade capture, becoming a wanted fugitive.
Following Palpatine's establishment of the New Order and the issuance of the Enemy Eradication Order, Freely joined the ranks of the Erased. He sustained severe injuries during a stormtroopers attack on the Erased.
After Trever Flume and Oryon detonated the catwalk at Solace's base, the pair discovered him, initially believing him to be deceased. He journeyed with them to see Dexter Jettster, and subsequently to Naboo, where they temporarily liberated the planet from Imperial control.
Later, Keets and Curran Caladian obtained information for Solace from Senator Sano Sauro's computer while assisting Ferus Olin on Samaria. However, they were apprehended and confined to a holding cell, only to be rescued by WA-7, Dex's former waitress droid, who discreetly provided them with a blaster hidden within their meal.
Subsequently, Keets and Curran Caladian convened with Solace and Clive Flax, along with Astri Oddo and her son Lune Oddo Divinian, at Dex's refuge in Thugger's Alley. Keets and Curran Caladian uncovered details regarding an individual exhibiting "special powers" who was appearing in various locations. Dexter Jettster hired them both to look out for Lune Oddo Divinian. While observing him play with other children at a playground, Lune Oddo Divinian was spotted by a patrol of stormtroopers. Despite their efforts to evade capture by navigating through the crowd and making numerous turns, stormtroopers descended from an airspeeder. Keets, holding Lune tightly, was overpowered by the stormtroopers, and Lune Oddo Divinian was forcibly taken away. They later discovered Lune Oddo Divinian's whereabouts, and Keets vowed to Astri Oddo that he would risk his life to retrieve her son.