Kashyyyk Region

The Kashyyyk Region was a frequently used designation for a volatile area of the Mid Rim, nestled among the Perlemian Trade Route, the Expansion Region, and the territory of Hutt Space. This region incorporated sections of the Halla, Kastolar, Lantillian, Mytaranor, Taldot, Terr'skiar and Trax sectors.

Adjacent to Bothan sector and Hutt Space, it contained the significant trade planets of Lantillies, Kashyyyk, Bimmisaari, Rorgam and Randon. It also served as the native territory of influential species like the Wookiees, Bimms, and Saurin. The Kashyyyk system's geographical importance led to countless conflicts and continuous schemes by representatives of numerous galactic factions, all vying to uncover the secret routes through hyperspace known only to the Wookiees.

This region was a battleground where various species and powerful groups competed. Several external powers have long fought for dominance within the region, notably the Hutts, who maintained interests there for countless years, and the Bothans and Lanniks, who consistently worked to restrain the influence of the Hutt kajidics. It existed as a zone characterized by an unstable combination of lawful and illicit commerce. While substantial sums of money were invested in the region's massive agricultural planets and industrial centers, ruthless slave traders operated within its spacelanes. The Kashyyyk Region held tens of thousands of inhabited planets, alongside millions of star systems that were devoid of inhabitants.


  • The Essential Atlas (First mentioned)

Notes and references
