Karvoss II

Karvoss II, situated in the Parmorak sector of the Core Worlds' region, was a terrestrial planet. Following the events of the Great Sith War, a Human female native to Karvoss II realized her inherent Force-sensitivity while training in a specific form of martial arts. This individual would later establish the Matukai order of Force-adepts.

Around the time of the Battle of Yavin, General Airen Cracken of the Rebel Alliance journeyed to Karvoss II. It was there that he encountered Aimi Loto, a Rebel saboteur operating undercover. During their meeting, Loto cautioned Cracken about the protocol droids involved in his impending assignment, revealing that she had secretly tampered with them.


Within the Karvoss system, located inside the Parmorak sector of the Southern Core area of the Core Worlds, was the planet Karvoss II. As a terrestrial world, it was the second orbital body from its parent star system.


Airen Cracken met Aimi Loto (pictured) on Karvoss II.

Sometime after the Great Sith War in 3996 BBY, a Human female who resided on Karvoss II was engaged in a form of meditative martial arts. It was during this training that the Human discovered her potential to access the energy field known as the Force. Progressing to become a notably powerful Force-user, she went on to establish the Matukai sect, a group of individuals sensitive to the Force.

General Airen Cracken of the Rebel Alliance paid a visit to Karvoss II, accompanied by an R2-series astromech droid, around the time that the Battle of Yavin occurred nearly 4,000 years later. While there, Cracken's R2 unit experienced a malfunction. Consequently, he crossed paths with Aimi Loto, a young Human who was disguised as a traveling droid maintenance specialist alongside her mechanical partner, MdZ-BLK. However, in truth, they were Rebel saboteurs.

Eventually, Loto overheard from the malfunctioning astromech that Cracken was tasked with facilitating the defection of the personal assistant belonging to Imperial Moff Nile Owen during the wedding of Owen's daughter. Masked by MdZ-BLK's boisterous laughter, Loto quietly warned Cracken to remain distant from the protocol droids present at the wedding, as she and her companion had secretly sabotaged the majority of them.

Later, Cracken included his recollections of Karvoss II as a personal addition to a datafile detailing Rebel operatives. In 40 ABY, Jedi historian Tionne Solusar acknowledged the Karvoss II origin of the Matukai founder in the reference work Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force.

Behind the scenes

Chuck Truett conceived Karvoss II, introducing it in Cracken's Rebel Operatives, a 1994 sourcebook from West End Games designed for use with Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. The 2009 reference book, The Essential Atlas, situated the Karvoss system, including Karvoss II, within grid M-12.


Notes and references
