Karnak Tetsu, alternatively known as Karnak the Maleficent, was a male member of the Sith Offshoot species, and a Force-sensitive individual. He lived in the years subsequent to the Great Sith War. Tetsu rose to prominence as the leader of the Sorcerers of Tund, a Force-based group located on Tund.
In the years following the Great Sith War, Karnak Tetsu, whose alternate name was Karnak the Maleficent, became the leader of the Sorcerers of Tund. This secretive group of Force users had their base of operations on the planet of Tund. Tetsu, a male Sith Offshoot, mastered numerous Force powers and maintained control over the Sorcerers through intimidation. This led the Jedi Order to denounce the Sorcerers' beliefs as utter heresies. Many millennia later, the Sith Lord Darth Plagueis and his apprentice, Darth Sidious, spoke of Tetsu and his cult with derision.
He was known to wear Tundan robes and carried both a blaster pistol and a Sith talisman.
Being Force-sensitive, Tetsu possessed the ability to wield the Force. He demonstrated proficiency in using dark side powers, such as Force rage, scream, and lightning, to inflict pain on his adversaries. He was also capable of employing energy and Force resistance for defense, alongside Force Stun and deflection. Furthermore, Tetsu had the ability to sever an opponent's connection to the Force and could utilize the Force to disable droids. In addition, he was adept at using mind tricks and telekinesis, and possessed the skill of farsight. Tetsu was a polyglot, fluent in Basic, High Galactic, Huttese, Sith, and Tundan.
Abel G. Peña conceived Karnak Tetsu, who was presented in the Wizards.com article titled "KOTOR Campaign Guide Web Enhancement 5: Karnak Tetsu, Sorcerer of Tund:'. This article represented the fifth entry in a series of web enhancements, showcasing content developed for the 2008 sourcebook Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide. This content was ultimately excluded from the published book due to space limitations.