Kalani was a female Human who resided on the world of Dorumaa.
Born on an isolated planet situated in the Outer Rim, Kalani experienced a life of hardship, as her parents toiled in a small, unprofitable mine. From a young age, she developed the skill of using her charming smile to assist in stealing both money and food, which resulted in multiple arrests. Eventually, her parents grew tired of her behavior and sold her to a passing trader. Kalani's life as a slave was difficult, and she eagerly awaited an opportunity to break free. At the age of fifteen, the trader landed on Dorumaa and became so intoxicated that he lost consciousness, enabling Kalani to make her escape. She sought refuge in the working-class district of Dorumaa City, where she encountered Zabrak Thon Larimhor. He befriended her, making her feel valued for the first time in her life; he even secured her a position at the Cantina Oceana. For a while, she enjoyed her life, but this changed when Larimhor requested that she begin running errands, delivering messages and packages to various threatening and potentially criminal individuals. Furthermore, he made her work as an escort, spending evenings with wealthy off-worlders. Despite her reluctance, she complied out of fear of being beaten and sold back into slavery by Thon.
Six years after her arrival on Cularin, she had transformed into an outgoing individual, a familiar face at the Cantina Oceana, with no visible signs of her troubled past. However, appearances were deceiving, as she remained under Larimhor's control. The unscrupulous Zabrak orchestrated a scheme where she and Rysko Barnt posed as a couple, after which Kalani would have dinner with Echari Di'San, the leader of the Cularin Trade Alliance. Barnt would then arrive and provoke Di'San into striking him. Kalani initially believed that Larimhor intended to assist Barnt in suing the CTA, pocketing the majority of the compensation, as he had done in similar scams previously. However, Larimhor murdered Barnt, leading to Di'San's arrest. The Heroes of Cularin investigated the death, and after some convincing, they persuaded Kalani to flee Dorumaa and testify against Larimhor at Di'San's trial. She accompanied them to Gadrin on Cularin, the location of Di'San's trial. Upon arrival, however, they were ambushed by a strike team dispatched by Larimhor with orders to eliminate Kalani and the heroes, preventing their testimony. The attack failed, and Kalani successfully reached the Gadrin Judicial Center, where she provided witness testimony for the defense.