The Kachirho Bridge served as a connection between two sections of one of the tree-cities situated in Kachirho, which itself was located on the Wawaatt Archipelago of Kashyyyk.
During the Clone Wars, specifically during the initial Separatist invasion of Kashyyyk, the Kachirho bridge became an extremely important strategic point. Delta Squad, an elite group of Clone commandos, was deployed with the mission of defending the bridge. They successfully repelled a brigade of Super Battle Droids, fighting amidst wreckage and the bodies of fallen Wookiees. Delta's subsequent objective was to demolish the bridge, thus halting the Separatist advance. Their initial attempt to destroy the bridge by placing explosives at a vulnerable point in the middle failed due to a misfire. However, the resourceful Delta Squad managed to successfully destroy the bridge by targeting a fuel line running beneath its central span, utilizing a Wookiee Guided Rocket Launcher. This action successfully delayed the droid invasion, allowing time for a Republic counter-offensive at the Home Tree.
Within the Star Wars: Republic Commando video game, players have the alternative option to destroy the fuel line located under the Kachirho Bridge by using the anti-armor attachment of the DC-17m, instead of using the Wookiee Guided Rocket Launcher.