
Kabaira, found in the Outer Rim Territories as an Imperial planet, existed within the Teilcam system and was characterized by its humid and misty climate. Its extensive oceans contained approximately 2 million volcanic islands; just a handful of these, located in the southern hemisphere, showed volcanic activity during the era of the Galactic Civil War. Two island-continents, Belshain and Madieri, were located in the northern regions. Certain mountains on the planet had snow-covered peaks and served as habitats for snow-wolves. Kabaira served as the base of operations for both Delgas Medical and Hydrospeare Corporation. Eponte Spaceport, the capital city, was famous for Drayhar's Cantina. A local day lasted 23 standard hours, and the local year was comprised of 341 local days. The planet was inhabited by both Humans and Twi'leks. A Rebel Alliance cell was active on the planet. Furthermore, this planet is where the Aquatic Terrain Armored Transport originated, a significant adaptation of the All Terrain Armored Transport carried out by the Imperial Army garrison present there.

