Kaa (Dark Jedi)

Kaa, a Dark Jedi, shared a uniquely close bond with her twin sister, Lii. Their connection allowed them, on occasion, to deceive others into believing they were a single person. This deception was employed against General Grievous at some point prior to the Battle of Geonosis, gaining them enough trust to be invited aboard his starship. Once aboard, they successfully pilfered Grievous' collection of Sith lightsabers and escaped undetected. However, Grievous quickly discovered the theft and pursued them to the acidic planet of Dica, where a confrontation ensued. Ultimately, Kaa and her sister were unable to defeat the powerful cyborg and were forced to retreat, leaving the stolen weapons behind.



Kaa, a Near-Human of obscure origin, was virtually indistinguishable from her twin, Lii, save for the distinctive vertical tattoos that marked her face. Her sister bore similar tattoos, but arranged horizontally. Both Kaa and her sister demonstrated a proficiency in the Force, indicating prior training. However, the source of their training, whether the Jedi Order or another institution, remains unknown. Eventually, the sisters turned to the dark side, aspiring to become Sith. To achieve this ambition, Kaa and her twin reasoned that they needed Sith weaponry, leading them to seek out Sith lightsabers.


During this quest, the sisters encountered General Grievous, who possessed a small collection of lightsabers previously wielded by the Sith. By pretending to be a single individual, Kaa and her sister managed to earn Grievous' trust, securing an invitation to his ship. With the cyborg under the impression that there was only one of them, the twins easily relieved Grievous of his prized possessions, at least four Sith lightsabers. Although Grievous suspected the Dark Jedi of suspicious behavior, it wasn't until after they had departed the ship that he became aware of the thievery.

Kaa and her sister made their way to the acidic planet of Dica, but Grievous was in close pursuit. Sensing the cyborg's approach, the twins prepared to face him, with Lii strategically positioned behind her sister. As Grievous demanded the Dark Jedi reveal her name, the twins revealed their dual nature to the surprised General. Despite being taken aback by the revelation of facing two Dark Jedi, Grievous remained determined to eliminate them both and charged at them with his lightsaber.


The battle commenced, with Kaa and her sister each wielding two of the stolen Sith lightsabers. Kaa struck at Grievous with her weapon, but the cyborg blocked the blow with his metal hands, holding the blade firmly. Just as Kaa appeared to be in danger, her sister swiftly maneuvered behind Grievous to attack, but Grievous managed to parry the blow. Still outnumbered, the sisters opted for a coordinated attack, and at Kaa's command, they both jumped away from Grievous' grasp.

The jump positioned Kaa and her sister in front of Grievous as they both swung their weapons at the cyborg's face. Unfortunately for the Dark Jedi, the attack only slightly scarred Grievous' mask and caused no lasting damage. Grievous evaded further attacks by using his talon-shaped feet to grapple himself under the cliffside where the trio had been dueling. Kaa suspected the General's intentions and cautiously peered over the cliff edge. However, at that precise moment, Grievous launched his attack. With a swift jump back onto the ledge, Grievous surprised Kaa and her sister, swiping the Sith weapons from the twins' hands.


Completely disarmed by the cyborg, Kaa and her sister could only watch as their prized weapons slowly fell into one of the many acid lakes on Dica. With their weapons lost, the twins fled the scene as quickly as possible. As the two Dark Jedi disappeared into the mist, Grievous called after them, mocking their naive ambitions.

Behind the scenes

Kaa was a creation of Yasushi Nirasawa, designed for the short comic story, Dark Jedi featured in Star Wars Manga: Silver. Originally published in Japan, these stories were considered to have "fuzzy" continuity by Lucasfilm. Subsequently, they were republished in English in the United Kingdom under the Infinities label, which designated the material as non-canonical. Abel G. Peña made a subtle reference to this story in his article, The Story of General Grievous: Lord of War, mentioning that Grievous had acquired one of his lightsaber trophies from a Dark Jedi on Dica or Necropolis. Whether this refers specifically to either of the sisters remains uncertain.

