K'krohl, a male Whiphid from the legends continuity, operated as a recruiter, specifically identifying and enlisting talent during the era of the Galactic War. He favored the BTZ-47 heavy assault cannon, affectionately named Bitsy, as his weapon of choice. His expertise lay in the recruitment of criminals to serve within mercenary groups like the Territorial Enforcers, the InterStellar Regulators, and the Saboteur Squads. In 3631 BBY, Lana Beniko engaged his services to enlist individuals prepared to fight for the Alliance against the Eternal Empire of Zakuul. While in the process of recruiting escaped prisoners from the Belsavis prison, K'krohl faced opposition from the Belsavis Star Fortress. The Alliance Commander intervened to eliminate the Star Fortress shield bunker; K'krohl volunteered his help, offering his recruits, who were still lacking necessary equipment. He aided the commander in the assault and subsequent destruction of the shield bunker. Following this, he journeyed to Odessen and officially became a member of the Alliance after the Star Fortress's destruction.