Justa starport

The Justa starport, located underground on the moon Justa that circles the planet [Mutanda], was essentially a subterranean complex. This port featured docking bays at the surface that could hold a maximum of 50 smaller freighters. Larger transport vessels were directed to hold position in orbit around the satellite. BlasTech Industries, Czerka Arms, and Blethern Gas Industries shared ownership of the facility. Being a facility heavily influenced by corporate interests, ships not owned by these corporations faced charges that could reach 200% of the usual cost for the same services. Beyond the docking bays, the starport boasted a vibrant commercial city. Much of the commerce was oriented toward the numerous hunting parties that visited Mutanda, as the majority of tourists possessed considerable discretionary funds. Illicit actions were overlooked as long as they were conducted discreetly and out of sight. Horansi scouts and mercenaries seeking employment became a frequent sight within the station.


  • Planets of the Galaxy, Volume One
  • The Star Wars Planets Collection
  • Alien Encounters
