Junker Jott was an engineer. He dedicated three decades to the Republic Navy. Following his retirement, he took on the role of leading Jott's Junkers, one of the five dominant factions on Mek-Sha in 3627 BBY.
Before becoming a leader on Mek-Sha, Junker Jott spent 30 years working for the Republic Navy and retired as a seasoned veteran. The deaths of many of Junker Jott's comrades at the hands of Imperials instilled in him a strong aversion to the Empire that persisted even after his departure from naval service.
After relocating to Mek-Sha, Junker Jott played a crucial role in ousting the ruling Hutt overlords. He reprogrammed numerous word droids, inciting them to revolt against the Hutts. With the Hutts gone, his crew rose to prominence as one of the main powers on Mek-Sha. Jott and his team of engineers and droids were responsible for preventing the station's structural collapse. Junker Jott personally supervised the assault on The Brothers slavers' headquarters, known as the Brothers Oversight Center. He aided a Republic agent in liberating several slaves and eliminating both a slaver lieutenant and the Sith Empire contact during a clandestine exchange.
Junker Jott frequently reminded the other residents of Mek-Sha that the station would likely fall apart multiple times each day without his intervention. Furthermore, Jott was a staunch supporter of the Republic and acted as their most reliable ally on Mek-Sha. Consequently, he and his crew often found themselves in conflict with The Brothers, a slaving organization. This group held slavery in high regard, almost as a religious tenet, and served as the Sith Empire's primary provider of slave labor through the exploitation and abduction of refugees.