Junk Temple

The Junk Temple, a rough and ready imitation of the Jedi Temple located on Coruscant, was built on the world of Raxus Prime. Kazdan Paratus, an unhinged Jedi Master evading the Galactic Empire, was its creator.


The Junk Temple stands out amidst the waste-covered surface

A distorted reflection of the Jedi Temple from Coruscant rose from the scrap heaps of Raxus Prime. This strange duplicate served to reinforce Kazdan Paratus's fantasy that the Jedi Order still existed. Within the temple, junk-constructed mannequins representing each former member of the Jedi Council were arranged as if participating in a live meeting.


After surviving the horrors of Order 66, Paratus escaped civilization and found refuge on the junkyard planet, Raxus Prime. Sadly, the loss of everything meaningful in his life, combined with his isolation on Raxus Prime, led to a descent into madness. In a desperate attempt to hold onto the memory of the Jedi Order, Paratus used the planet's discarded materials to construct a rudimentary, yet recognizable, version of the Jedi Temple from Coruscant. Junk golems, also of Paratus's making, guarded this Temple, which featured the four spires of the Jedi, as well as a Jedi Council chamber populated by robotic Jedi Masters. Starkiller, the secret apprentice of Darth Vader, destroyed all of these constructs. Starkiller also inflicted a fatal wound upon Paratus, enabling the deranged Jedi to merge with the Force.

