Jun Seros was a Whiphid who belonged to the Rebel Alliance; he resided in Mos Eisley on the planet Tatooine. In that settlement, he was the proprietor of a well-known diner, celebrated for offering substantial meals to weary travelers. To ensure his survival and the continued operation of his business, he was compelled to make payments to Jabba the Hutt.
Shortly before the arrival of Luke Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi in Mos Eisley, a group of Rebels delivered a datacard from Thel Erelen on Duro to the Whiphid. When he fell behind on his protection money, he sought their help in dealing with the Hutt's enforcers. Shortly thereafter, stormtroopers conducted a search of his establishment, seeking an aging spacer and his R4 unit. The Empire had dispatched forces to Tatooine in pursuit of R2-D2 and C-3PO.
Following Jabba's demise in 4 ABY, Jun dispatched Rebel operatives to Jabba's Palace with the objective of retrieving as much of the crime lord's intelligence data as possible.
The dishes served at his diner included womp rat stew (sometimes referred to as "mystery stew"), eopie briskets and bantha steaks. He frequently employed individuals to hunt wild animals, utilizing their meat in his culinary creations. He boasted of having hired nearly every adventurer and spacer who had ever visited Tatooine.