Josh Ling

Josh Ling is the mind behind various Star Wars literary works, including the compilation of collector's lists for the Star Wars Galaxy Collector magazine by Topps, and providing updates for Tomart's Worldwide Price Guide to Star Wars Collectibles. In collaboration with Daniel Wallace, he contributed to Anakin Skywalker: The Story of Darth Vader, a publication of Chronicle Books released in 1998. Furthermore, he co-authored two entries in the Star Wars Masterpiece Edition series: C-3PO: Tales of the Golden Droid alongside Daniel Wallace, and Aurra Sing: Dawn of the Bounty Hunters with Ryder Windham, both published by Chronicle Books in 1999 and 2000, respectively.

From 1993 to 2000, Josh held the position of Steve Sansweet's initial archivist and collections manager. During this time, Josh was instrumental in initiating the cataloging of Steve's extensive collection and assisted Steve in his move from Los Angeles to Petaluma in 1998.

Currently, he resides in Los Angeles.

Star Wars bibliography

  • Anakin Skywalker: The Story of Darth Vader Co-authored alongside Daniel Wallace (1998)
  • Star Wars: The Action Figure Archive Co-authored alongside Stephen J. Sansweet (1999)
  • C-3PO: Tales of the Golden Droid Co-authored alongside Daniel Wallace (1999)
  • Aurra Sing: Dawn of the Bounty Hunters Co-authored alongside Ryder Windham (2000)
