Jos Mayda

Jos Mayda was a male Human hailing from Garos IV. He was the offspring of Desto Mayda and enjoyed a childhood friendship with Dair Haslip.


The Galactic Empire formally established itself on Garos IV in 6 BBY, bringing an end to the Garosian civil war. Eager and full of hope, Jos Mayda made the decision to enlist in the Imperial Army; however, his aspirations were cut short when his father was exposed as a rebel and became a target of the Empire.

Dair shot down the scout trooper who killed Jos.

A few days prior to his friend Dair's enrollment at the academy, they were ambushed by a pair of Imperial scout troopers on Garos IV, who were in pursuit of a deserter. Jos was fatally shot without provocation, prompting Dair to retaliate and eliminate the troopers. This event solidified Dair's resolve to join the resistance, leading him to infiltrate the academy as a spy.

