Jexxel cat

Jexxel cats were a species of feline that made their home within the caves found throughout the mountains of the icy Outer Rim planet of Gigor. These cats coexisted in the caves alongside snow shredder bats and the sentient Gigorans, with molds and mushrooms suitable for consumption flourishing in the cave's depths, thanks to the presence of hot springs.

Behind the scenes

Within the established Star Wars canon of today, jexxel cats received a mention in Dawn of Rebellion. This was a 2018 addition to the Star Wars Roleplaying game, which was created by Fantasy Flight Games. On the other hand, in the Star Wars Legends timeline, these creatures were simply referred to as "jexxels". They initially appeared, both in text and illustration, in Wretched Hives of Scum & Villainy. This was a 1997 supplement authored by Paul Danner for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game by West End Games. Jacen Burrows created the jexxel illustration featured in the book.


  • Dawn of Rebellion (Initial mention)

Notes and references
