Jenson Drever II, a near-Human of short and stout build exhibiting greenish-gray skin, held the position of managing director for the Drever Corporation. This corporation was a relatively small entity engaged in weapons manufacturing within the Parmel sector. Drever was recognized for his typically placid and almost devoid of emotion behavior. However, this contrasted sharply with the fits of anger he occasionally exhibited when his desires were not met. Overall, Drever proved to be a shrewd and capable individual in the business world. Despite not possessing comprehensive technical expertise regarding the items his company produced, Drever achieved considerable success in their sales. Within the Galactic Empire's corporate environment, Drever was generally a popular figure.
Drever's life was entirely consumed by his business pursuits, resulting in the absence of family or intimate friendships. His nearest confidant was Madel Wharen, formerly a member of the Drever Corporation's Board of Directors. Drever and Wharen held contrasting viewpoints, most notably Wharen's alignment with the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Given Drever's lack of shared sentiment, their disagreements were often intense, ultimately prompting Drever to reassign Wharen to a remote research and development facility.