Jenn Devaad

Jenn Devaad was a youthful Human female who held the position of captain within Devil Squadron. This squadron was a starfighter group connected to the Galactic Republic's Grace Command during the era known as the Republic Dark Age. Serving within the Republic Navy, she belonged to a contingent of Republic military personnel who managed to survive a calamitous mission to Daalang and endured five years of servitude under the Hutt crime boss, Zodoh. After their successful escape, Jenn, along with her fellow survivors, entered the service of Baron Lemayne's Grace Command. This organization conducted intelligence operations for the Republic, camouflaged as a charitable aid group.

These operations encompassed the highly classified Operation Deluge. This involved saturating Sith-controlled planets with the highly addictive spice known as Deluge, aiming to impede the Sith's war efforts. In 1032 BBY, she crossed paths with Jedi Knight Kerra Holt on Aquilaris Minor amidst the Aquilaris campaign. Despite their budding friendship, the relentless pursuit of vengeance against Zodoh by Jenn, coupled with her involvement in Operation Deluge, generated tension with Kerra. Kerra's primary concern was the preservation of civilian lives within Sith territories. Following the Capture of Devil Squadron, Zodoh manipulated her into retrieving stashes of Deluge spice under the false promise of sparing her crew's lives. However, he reneged on his word, prompting Jenn to retaliate by detonating his entire supply of Deluge spice.

Subsequently, Jenn and Kerra reconciled, joining forces to thwart Zodoh's schemes. During the Battle of Darkknell, they collectively defeated Zodoh and obliterated his flagship, putting an end to his plans to submerge Darkknell in a manufactured flood. Jenn later sought to compensate for the harm caused by Operation Deluge by assisting in the evacuation of refugees to Republic territories. She also undermined Operation Deluge by jettisoning the spice into hyperspace while en route to collect refugees on Aquilaris.


Republic career

Kerra and Jenn following the Battle of Capital Cay

During the Republic Dark Age, Jenn Devaad served as a Captain within the Republic Navy, where she commanded the starfighter unit known as Devil Squadron. She, along with her squadron, were among the few who survived a disastrous Republic mission to the planet Daalang. Devaad and her squadron members were captured and subsequently enslaved by the Hutt crime lord, Zodoh. Zodoh had amassed a significant criminal enterprise through slave trafficking and the distribution of the narcotic spice Deluge. The Republic's diminishing authority in the outer regions allowed Zodoh and other Hutts to expand their operations beyond Hutt Space, competing with the fragmented remnants of the New Sith Empire. After enduring five years of captivity, Devaad and her squadron successfully escaped, harboring a deep-seated resentment towards both Zodoh and civilians in Sith-occupied territories, whom they blamed for failing to provide refuge during their time of need.

Struggle against the Sith

Jenn distributing relief supplies on Aquilaris

Devaad's squadron became associated with Grace Command, ostensibly a pro-Republic charitable organization based on Alderaan. It was supposedly involved in humanitarian aid and resistance against Sith forces within Sith Space. However, Grace Command served as a front organization established by Baron Lemayne for covert operations in the war against the Sith Lords. Operation Deluge entailed Grace Command's forces liberating Sith-occupied planets, only to then flood the entire population with the addictive Deluge spice. Although this substance was potent enough to suppress hunger, its highly addictive nature rendered its users lethargic and apathetic. Due to the chaotic political landscape of the Outer Rim, control of these planets frequently shifted between various Sith Lords and other factions. The primary objective of Operation Deluge was to indirectly incapacitate Sith military forces without committing substantial Republic resources. By 1032 BBY, a significant number of Sith, including Daiman's forces, had become addicted to Deluge, effectively weakening their war effort against the Republic.

Devaad commanded Grace Command's forces during the Aquilaris campaign, collaborating with the Jedi Knight Kerra Holt. During the Battle of Capital Cay, Devaad and other members of Devil Squadron destroyed one of Zodoh's Stormdriver vessels, large capital ships capable of generating torrential storms by harnessing atmospheric moisture. By this point, the Sith Lord Daiman's forces on Aquilaris had been weakened by Zodoh's assault. Subsequently, Devil Squadron, along with Holt, eliminated the remaining troops under Daiman's command in Capital Cay. Unaware of Grace Command's true agenda and frustrated by the lack of local support, Kerra welcomed Captain Devaad as a newfound ally in her fight against the Sith. Following the battle, Devaad offered Holt a position in Devil Squadron, even lending her a Fire Lotus starfighter, which she accepted. Holt and the Devils then proceeded to attack Daiman's remaining forces on Aquilaris. Having secured control of the planet, Grace Command proceeded to land shipments of food and medical supplies for the local people. These included orange cases with timed locks supposedly containing more food but in reality contained more capsules of Deluge. Holt expressed a opinion that the cases could be made into booby traps by putting a explosive device like a grenade or a torpedo warhead in a box, then rigged to detonate on opening.

Holt then expressed a desire to permanently join up with Devil Squadron which Devaad accepted, allowing her to "borrow" the fighter of a member due to rotate back to the transport ship Mother Grace. Devaad outlined the squadron's plans of departing from Aquilaris the following day on a mission to escort Mother Grace to its hyperspace jump point. The squadron would then disembark to Heptooine to assault Sith Lord Malakite's garrison there.Her lieutenant Vahss expressed concern about letting Holt fly with them. However, Devaad felt that the Jedi would probably be useful and that Holt was too preoccupied to find out about the rest of their mission.

An Uneasy Alliance

However on their way out of the system, they were confronted by Zodoh's personal Intruder-class starfighter. During the ensuing pursuit, Devaad revealed her background to Kerra, explaining that she and her comrades in Death Squadron harbored a grudge against the Hutt lord due to their years of enslavement. Death Squadron were the last survivors of an ill-fated Republic Navy taskforce sent into Sith territory. After five years of captivity, Captain Devaad and her comrades had managed to escape and had vowed to hunt down Zodoh. However, Kerra advised caution since this skirmish had not been part of their original plan and that Zodoh might have been trying to bait them. Devaad responded by chiding Kerra for her lack of enthusiasm. The pursuit ended in a trap with the Hutt's flagship Voracious lying in wait for Devil Squadron. Immediately, Voracious launched fighter squadrons but Holt knew that these were only a diversion. Realizing she was right, Devaad ordered the squadron to break off and jump into hyperspace.

However before they could do so, a number of Stormdrivers exited hyperspace near Aquilaris. Over the intercom, Zodoh said that he planned to use them to totally drown the entire world. During the subsequent battle, it was revealed that the Stormdrivers's defenses were now oriented to repel fighter assaults. The Republic starfighters were unable to make significant damage and several starfighters were destroyed by enemy fire. While Jenn was determined to hurt Zodoh's forces, Kerra realized that Death Squadron was both outnumbered and outgunned. She also concurred that Zodoh had advance warning of Death Squadron's coming. Despite this, Devaad wanted to stay in the fight and try to get Zodoh, but Holt wished to evacuate the civilians still on Aquilaris. By tolerating the status quo of preserving a deadlock between the Republic and the Sith, Devaad was willing to sacrifice Aquilaris as part of the greater goal of defeating Zodoh and the Sith. Unable to reconcile their differences, Holt broke off and flew back to Aquilaris. Devaad tried to have Vahss deactivate the computer in Holt's fighter and bring her back via autopilot. However, his starfighter was shot down by Zodoh's Intruder-class starfighters before he could take action. Zodoh then had Voracious capture the remaining Devils with its tractor beam. Meanwhile, Kerra managed to escape back to Aquilaris.

Kerra confronting Jenn about her secret agenda

A Devil's Bargain

While held captive, Zodoh presented Devaad with an offer: to seemingly rescue her men by acquiring the canisters of Deluge that Grace Command had dispatched to Aquilaris. His intention was to replicate Grace Command's successful strategy by distributing food laced with Deluge throughout the sector, thereby weakening resistance and facilitating conquest. Zodoh successfully coerced Jenn into complying by threatening to torture her crew, while simultaneously promising their release if she fulfilled his demands. Devaad returned to Aquilaris and instructed the people to load the containers onto her shuttle. However, Holt uncovered the true contents of the boxes. After Holt subdued Devaad, she explained to the Jedi that the purpose of Deluge was to undermine the Sith war effort. She shrugged off Holt's concern for the civilians by dismissing them as necessary collateral damage who would otherwise be assets for the Sith.

Jenn then related how she she and the other survivors of the ill-fated Republic taskforce that was sent to Daalang were betrayed by the frightened locals. Consequently, they spent five years as slaves in Zodoh's labor camps with the members of Devil Squadron being the only survivors. Devaad dismissed Holt's appeals to try to trust the people and left to take the Deluge to Zodoh. After she brought the containers of Deluge to Zodoh, she told him to free her men. However, Zodoh revealed that he had already "freed" them by releasing them into space through an airlock, killing them. Devaad however had prepared for this event and had a final trick up her sleeve. While on her errand, Jenn had copied Holt's idea of planted bombs in the containers. She activated the time-rigged bombs which killed several of Zodoh's entourage and wrecked the command bridge, disrupting the coordination of the Stormdrivers. Still, she failed to kill Zodoh since he was wearing thick armor and had a jetpack and the Voracious only sustained minor damage. Taking advantage of the commotion, she commandeered a twin-seater starfighter and escaped back to Aquilaris.


Jenn eventually managed to locate Kerra on one of the Seacropper Submersibles that had been reactivated by Joad Kreel. They had succeeded in rescuing many refugees in Capital Cay. She told Holt that Zodoh was going after Daiman's headquarters on Darkknell next. Holt agreed to patch things up with Devaad, but insisted on doing things her way. They flew to Darkknell alongside Zodoh's forces, landing right in the middle of a battle when Daiman's forces were getting the worst of it. Devaad pointed out that when she detonated her bombs, it shut down the Stormdrivers. The plan was that Devaad would drop off Holt in the Voracious and she would look for the Stormdrivers controller. She then left to return to the battle and take out more of Zodoh's forces. Holt informed her that the device controlling the Stormdrivers was located in the dome of the flagship. Devaad returned and shot the dome, exposing it to space. She then flew inside and picked up Holt, then the two of them proceeded to shoot up the control computers, which also fatally damaged the Voracious, though the two successfully escaped in time.

Afterward, on Aquilaris, Devaad and Holt came up with a strategy to sabotage Operation Deluge. Devaad would return to Grace Command and claim that she had gotten for distributing the Deluge on Aquilaris. This ensured that Grace Command would continue to send transport ships which Devaad would personally fly to and from Sith occupied words. En route, she would get rid of the Deluge while returning to the Republic with civilian refugees. With the hidden undersea facilities on Aquilaris, the world could even become a important hub for ferrying refugees from Sith occupied space to safety in the Republic. Devaad then allowed Holt to keep her Fire Lotus, returning to the Republic in the captured Hutt fighter.

Jenn and Kerra during the Battle of Darkknell

Personality and traits

Jenn Devaad was a highly capable and commanding figure who led Devil Squadron, a starfighter unit within the Republic's military forces. However, she also harbored deep-seated resentment and bitterness towards both the Hutt crime lord Zodoh and civilian populations residing in Sith Space. Her animosity towards Zodoh stemmed from the deaths of her comrades and the severe hardships she endured during her five-year enslavement under the Hutt's control. Conversely, Jenn's bitterness towards civilians originated from their unwillingness to assist her and her comrades following a disastrous Republic mission to Daalang. This perceived betrayal led Jenn to believe that only those who actively helped themselves were deserving of assistance.

These negative sentiments towards civilians, combined with her patriotic outlook, drove her to willingly participate in Grace Command's unethical Operation Deluge. This operation resulted in countless sentient beings across Sith Space becoming addicted to spice. Despite this, Jenn was also capable of displaying a positive and amiable demeanor, as evidenced by her friendship with Kerra Holt and her efforts to aid Aquilarian civilians. She played a significant role in distributing food and medical supplies to the Aquilarian population. However, this latter action was rooted in her deceptive role as a liberator providing relief assistance to Sith-occupied worlds.

Her strong friendship with Kerra was so close that she was willing to lend her one of Devil Squadron's starfighters. Despite divergent differences in priorities and morality, this friendship was strong enough to withstand even outright confrontation. The death of her crew at the hands of Zodoh led her to reconcile with Kerra and the women combined forces to defeat the Hutt crime lord's ambitions for galactic dominance at the climatic Battle of Darkknell. Ultimately, Jenn expressed remorse for the wrongs inflicted on civilians during Operation Deluge. She would atone for her actions by sabotaging Operation Deluge and dumping their shipments of Deluge spice into space while using the same transport ship to deliver refugees to the safety of Republic-controlled space.

Powers and abilities

Serving as a starfighter pilot within the Galactic Republic, Jenn Devaad demonstrated proficiency in aerial combat, eventually attaining the rank of Captain by 1032 BBY. Jenn possessed the skill to pilot various starfighters, including the Fire Lotus-class starfighter and even an unfamiliar Hutt fighter. As a military officer, she was also proficient in using a blaster.

Behind the scenes

Jenn Devaad was initially presented as a key supporting character to the protagonist Kerra Holt in the Deluge arc of the Star Wars: Knight Errant comic series, which debuted in August 2011. John Jackson Miller crafted her backstory, while Ivan Rodriguez provided the artwork and Michael Atiyeh handled the coloring. She is among the characters who appeared in all five issues of this story arc.

