Jedselk was a male Human who functioned as an Imperial governor throughout the Galactic Civil War period.
Following the Battle of Yavin, Jedselk was the planetary governor of Sellasas. During his time in this position, the Rebel Alliance besieged the world for a number of weeks. His daughter, Commander Amara Jedselk, was the second-in-command of the army garrison stationed on the planet at that time. Shortly after the conflict on Sellasas concluded, Jedselk received a promotion to become the governor of Dolla.
During the siege of Sellasas, Jedselk's daughter, Amara, rescued a Srrors'tok, to whom she gave the adopted name Tyionsis Cex. Governor Jedselk took advantage of Cex's obligation to Amara and his personal feelings for her, as well as his animosity toward the Rebel Alliance, and convinced him to become an Imperial bounty hunter in return for his support. While governor of Dolla, Jedselk utilized his influence to minimize any local disturbances resulting from Cex's bounty hunting activities.
In Galaxy Guide 10: Bounty Hunters, Jedselk is described as having been "recently promoted to the governorship of Dolla". It was not clear if "Dolla" referred to a star system, or simply a planet. Therefore, it remains unclear whether Jedselk was promoted to govern an entire star system, or merely a more important planet. The publication of The Essential Atlas confirmed the existence of the Dolla system, however, the existence of a planet named Dolla within that system remains unconfirmed.