Gate Master was a designation given by the Jedi Order during the era of the Galactic Republic in that time.
This title was one of three Jedi ranks within the Jedi Temple Security Force. It was given to the Jedi Peacekeeper who was responsible for guarding the four primary entrances to the Temple on Coruscant. These entrances consisted of the main Promenade entrance, the public entrance, the administrative entrance, and the south entrance. The Gate Master was in charge of assigning Padawan guards to supervise the entrances during the day, and Jedi Knights from the Security Force to oversee them at night.
During the Clone Wars, Jurokk had been the Gate Master for a significant duration. He remained at the Temple throughout the conflict. Jurokk, along with Jedi High Council member Jedi Master Shaak Ti, was tasked with securing the Temple while Master Mace Windu departed to arrest the Supreme Chancellor of the Republic for being a Sith Lord. While waiting for Windu to return, Anakin Skywalker and the 501st Legion instead greeted Jurokk at the main entrance. Observing the occupied Processional Way, Jurokk realized too late that Skywalker had turned to the dark side of the Force. Skywalker's lightsaber pierced his head, resulting in Jurokk's death before he could alert the rest of the Temple.