The Jawenko lava beasts were creatures that originated from Mustafar. These beasts naturally created Nkllonian lava extract from the liquid substance xonolite.
A lone creature, stranded on the planet Tatooine, became the foundation for a deity worshipped by both the Jawa and Sand People cultures, known as "Great Jawenko." Following a massacre perpetrated by the Jedi Padawan Anakin Skywalker against the Rrhr hunting band of Tusken Raiders as revenge for the death of his mother, Shmi Skywalker Lars, in 22 BBY, the Tuskens came to the conclusion that Shmi may have been a witch and the Great Jawenko's partner.

The Jawenko Beast appears as the final boss of "Level 4: Inside the Sandcrawler" in the Super Nintendo title Super Star Wars. On Tatooine, the Jawas kept a lava beast as a pet. This giant, dragon-like creature resided in the furnace located in the lower levels of the Jawa sandcrawler, where it spewed scorching flames to guard the captive droid R2-D2 from unwanted guests. Consequently, Luke Skywalker engaged and defeated the beast in combat, maneuvering across unstable platforms above flowing lava. The Jawenko also made an appearance in The Void and ILMxLAB's VR experience Star Wars: Secrets of the Empire, which takes place on Mustafar. It is encountered after being trapped on an outer skiff, subsequent to a battle with stormtroopers.