The Jawa Trade language served as a communication tool for inhabitants of Tatooine when interacting with the indigenous Jawas for the purposes of commerce and negotiation.
This language represented a more basic version of Jawaese, adopted by the Jawas themselves for interactions with individuals who were not Jawas. It's important to note that Jawa Trade language lacked the pheromonal nuances present in the Jawa's native tongue. An example of a word is "Utinni," which functions as an exclamation of either astonishment or surprise.
- HK-47
- Obi-Wan Kenobi [1] [2]
- Revan
- Sardu Sallowe [3]
- Luke Skywalker [1] [4]
- Arajen Turmen [5]
- C-3PO
- Owen Lars