Jarbanov colony

The Jarbanov colony resided on the desolate planet of Jarbanov, situated on the fringe of the junker systems. This significant processing hub, characterized by its domed structures, housed a dismantling facility, a battery reclamation center, and a series of radioactive hazard storage vaults positioned on its periphery. In the year 5 ABY, the Galactic Empire's 204th Imperial Fighter Wing executed an operation on Jarbanov. As part of this operation, one of its squadrons, specifically Squadron Four, launched an assault on the colony. Simultaneously, the Quasar Fire-class cruiser-carrier known as the Aerie retrieved the debris of nine TIE/ln space superiority starfighters from the orbital debris fields surrounding Jarbanov. In the course of this assault, Lieutenant Palal Seedia initiated weapons fire upon the hazard vaults within the Jarbanov colony, resulting in the irradiation of the entire settlement.

