Janray Tessime, a female artist, was a survivor of Alderaan's destruction (homeworld) in 0 BBY (year). Throughout the Galactic Civil War, she dedicated her time to caring for civilians on the safeworld New Alderaan. Her artistic contributions aided the Alliance to Restore the Republic and its succeeding government, the New Republic, through the creation of propaganda pieces. Notable examples include "Join the Tide of Victory!" for the Alliance, "Protect the Republic" for the Republic, and "Defenders" for the Resistance, a splinter group of the Republic. During her service with the Alliance, she formed a friendship with Corwi Selgrothe, a rebel reporter. Shortly after the Battle of Endor, Janray learned that Princess Leia Organa and Han Solo had recently married on Endor's forest moon. Subsequently, she suggested to Mon Mothma the creation of a wedding portrait for Leia and Han, envisioning a series of unification stories in collaboration with Corwi Selgrothe. Mothma was receptive to the idea and soon presented it to the princess, who expressed some reservations.
The reference book Star Wars Propaganda: A History of Persuasive Art in the Galaxy marked the initial mention of Janray Tessime. Pablo Hidalgo authored the book, which was published on October 25, 2016.