Jalen Palladane was born to Gorlan Palladane, a secret Jedi Knight, and Roah Palladane on the Outer Rim planet of Chelloa during the time known as the Republic Dark Age. He was the younger sibling of Aneese Palladane, and the Palladane family resided in the mining settlement called Jenith. Back in 1032 BBY, his parents gave refuge to Kerra Holt, a female Jedi Knight who was the only survivor of the disastrous Operation Influx. After his father was apprehended by the Sith Lord known as Daiman, Daiman's troops pillaged Jenith and slaughtered its people. As part of this violent suppression, two Sith troopers broke into the Palladane residence. Fortunately, Holt came to the Palladanes' aid, killing the two intruders.