Jaden Korr's lightsaber was a weapon. This particular weapon was first created by a clone of Kam Solusar, and later became the property of Jedi Knight Jaden Korr in the year 41.5 ABY.
After Korr left his second lightsaber behind on the frozen moon, he used the Force to cleanse the weapon's unstable red crystal. As a result, the blade began to glow yellow, a color Korr remembered as a symbol of the Jedi Sentinels.
Later on, Korr was stationed outside of the High Council Chambers with a male Human apprentice and a female Mon Calamari apprentice. This was done on the orders of acting Grand Master Kenth Hamner while the High Council discussed the best way to proceed with the arrest warrants for Jedi Bazel Warv and Yaqeel Saav'etu. When Leia Organa Solo, a Jedi Knight, and her husband arrived in the foyer of the chambers, Korr initially stood by his orders and denied them entrance. However, the Solos were able to convince Korr that they possessed evidence of an attack on the Temple by Mandalorian mercenaries, and he allowed them to enter. Corran Horn, a Jedi Master, and Acting Grand Master Kenth Hamner were not pleased with Korr's decision to permit the Solos to interrupt the Masters, but Kyle Katarn argued that the arrests should have been executed elsewhere. Korr later provided assistance in relocating the Jedi affected by Force psychosis and, along with Avinoam Arelis, aided the Solos in defending against the Mandalorian Supercommandos within a lower level hangar located in the Temple Precinct.