
The Jackpot represented an aged and battered starship, employed by the Rebel Alliance for exploration and resource scouting endeavors. Though aged and exhibiting signs of wear, it was a significantly altered and distinctive iteration of the YT-700 transport manufactured by the Corellian Engineering Corporation. To accommodate a robust sensor array designed for detecting gas and other valuable materials, the original cargo and passenger capacity had been reduced.

Over the course of its existence, the vessel had seen a multitude of owners and operators, some of whom neglected proper upkeep, leading to its dilapidated condition. The accommodations for those aboard were basic and lacked comfort.

A team of Rebel prospectors was assigned to the ship, charged with the mission of locating a substitute supply of tibanna gas on Taloraan, following the Imperial takeover of Bespin. The Jackpot met its end when it was obliterated during a violent atmospheric disturbance on Taloraan, although the crew managed to survive, thanks to the assistance of the Denfrandi, a sympathetic Taloraanian community.

