A male Anx Jedi Knight by the name of J'Mikel served within the ranks of the Jedi Order during the concluding years of the Galactic Republic. Throughout his time as a Jedi, J'Mikel chose Xiaan Amersu, a Jedi Initiate, to be his Padawan. Sadly, before he could finish her training, he met his end at the hands of the bounty hunter known as Aurra Sing.

As was typical for Jedi of that time, it's highly probable that J'Mikel's Force-sensitivity was identified early in his life, leading to his placement with the Jedi Order for training. He studied at the academy within the Jedi Temple's on Coruscant, and J'Mikel eventually graduated and was chosen by a Jedi Master to continue his learning. After journeying through the galaxy with his mentor for many years, J'Mikel was deemed ready to undertake the Trials of Knighthood. Upon successfully completing these trials, the Jedi High Council performed the knighting ceremony, thus fully inducting him into the Jedi Order.
Being a Jedi Knight afforded J'Mikel the opportunity to take on a student. He picked Xiaan Amersu, a Twi'lek Initiate, from the academy, and their training commenced without delay. In 30 BBY, the duo, along with Knight Peerce, were sent to the Coruscant underworld to locate the Jedi hunter Aurra Sing. After pursuing the former Jedi for a period, the team found a murdered squad of Republic Peace Officers, clearly the work of Sing. Separating to cover more ground, J'Mikel discovered Peerce's lifeless body just as Sing emerged from the shadows and attacked. Following a short duel, J'Mikel was defeated and fatally stabbed by the hunter's lightsaber. Sing, claiming the Anx's lightsaber as a trophy, spared Amersu's life for a future confrontation.

After J'Mikel's demise, Xiaan Amersu was assigned a new Master, possessing a newfound determination and a strong desire to become a Knight, so she could face her Master's killer. More than ten years after the Anx Jedi's death, Amersu had indeed risen to the rank of Knight and served as a General in the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. Before leading her initial solo mission, Amersu was greeted by fellow Twi'lek Knight Aayla Secura, who had fought Sing and recovered J'Mikel's lightsaber. Secura, by returning the lost weapon to Amersu, restored the bond between Master and apprentice that Sing had severed.