IX serum

The substance referred to as IX serum, alternatively known as Serum IX, functioned as a pharmaceutical agent employed during Castellan mind conditioning procedures. This serum was extracted and refined from the dimalium-6 compound, which is indigenous to the planet Quesh, and its composition was precisely tailored to the individual recipient. The serum's effects manifested over a period ranging from three to thirty days, during which it permeated the subject's system, inducing alterations in their brain's chemical makeup, thus enhancing their receptiveness to external influence; following complete absorption of the serum, a specific code word was implanted, serving as a key to unlock the altered mind and compel obedience to subsequent directives. Repeated administration of the IX serum presented a potential avenue for reversing the conditioning; however, this process entailed significant risks, including the creation of new neural pathways, potential brain damage, and even the possibility of inducing an irreversible vegetative state in the subject.

