Irenez (Human)

Irenez, a Human female, held the position of second-in-command within Garm Bel Iblis' movement. Serving as Bel Iblis' primary advisor, she worked alongside her counterpart, Sena. Han Solo and Lando Calrissian encountered her, a woman of middle age, at Peregrine's Nest.


The relationship between Irenez and Senator Bel Iblis began with his financial support for her education at the Imperial Academy. After graduating, she chose not to enlist in the Imperial Navy and instead established her own company of mercenaries and soldiers, maintaining a neutral stance between the Empire and the Rebellion. Following Bel Iblis' retreat into hiding after an Imperial assassination attempt on Anchoron, Irenez became his chief security and intelligence coordinator, joining his movement.

Following Mon Mothma's falling out with Bel Iblis in 0 BBY, Irenez remained a loyal supporter. She later played a crucial part in the Raid on Gestron.

In 9 ABY, she oversaw the secure meetings between Tav Breil'lya and Garm Bel Iblis on New Cov. Her picket lines resulted in the interception of Han Solo when he attempted to follow Breil'lya, as well as Luke Skywalker upon his arrival on New Cov to meet with Solo. When Imperial forces raided Ilic to obtain drugs and medicines—a ruse to conceal the city's secret payments to the Empire—Irenez was tasked with assisting their return to their ships.

During Solo and Calrissian's visit to Peregrine's Nest, Irenez requested that they attempt to secure a formal invitation from Mon Mothma to join the New Republic, recognizing Mothma's lack of personal ambition for power and Bel Iblis' unwillingness to directly request an invitation. Irenez, along with the rest of Bel Iblis' former forces, subsequently joined the New Republic.

Personality and traits

Irenez was a Human female of middle age, characterized by her short gray hair.

