Ion Wall

Ion Wall Crackle The Ion Wall activates The defensive structure referred to as the Ion Wall was utilized to safeguard the Legislature Building situated within the Capitol Square of Coronet City on the planet Corellia. This system incorporated emitters concealed within the statues located on Capitol Square. It had the capacity to unleash a potent signal, effectively disabling all electronic devices within its designated operational zone. During the historical Battle of Corellia occurring in 3640 BBY, the Sith Empire managed to seize control of the Ion Wall. Darth Acharon of the Dark Council personally oversaw the activation mechanism, which was housed inside the Intra-Corellian Intelligence building. Councilor Belos, an ally of the Republic, provided Cole Cantarus with information regarding the positioning of the Ion Wall's emitters. Using this intelligence, the Republic successfully reconfigured the emitters to target the Legislature building itself. Subsequently, a specialized strike team infiltrated the Intra-Corellian Intelligence building with the objective of reaching the Ion Wall's control systems. During this operation, the strike team encountered and triumphed over Darth Acharon. The successful triggering of the Ion Wall effectively neutralized a substantial portion of the Imperial defensive measures surrounding the Legislature, thereby enabling General Aves' forces to gain entry into the Legislature building itself.

