The second chapter of a narrative centering on Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala is called "Intermission, Part II". On August 29, 2018, it was the main story in Star Wars Adventures (2017) 13.
R2-D2 and C-3PO were navigating the corridors of the ship belonging to actress Risha Synata. R2, sensing danger for Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala, sped off to investigate, while 3PO, less convinced of any peril, hurried to catch up.
Anakin and Padmé, on the bridge of Synata's vessel, understood the gravity of their situation. A pre-recorded hologram featuring Count Dooku addressed to Risha Synata began to play. Dooku expressed his gratitude to Risha for her assistance in undermining Senator Amidala. As Anakin and Padmé contemplated this revelation, an officer entered, enjoying a sandwich. Anakin swiftly restrained the officer, securing his mouth with a gag after tying him to a chair. Padmé, accessing a computer, uncovered Synata's manipulation of her plays to promote the agenda of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Additionally, she found a list of senators resistant to joining the CIS, whom Synata planned to expose to deadly dioxis gas during a performance that evening.
In a rush to intervene, Anakin and Padmé collided while attempting to conceal themselves from a droid. The droid, recognizing them, activated its red eyes and advanced. In response, an officer ordered all droids to enter combat mode.
Simultaneously, R2-D2 was working hard to seize command of the service droids dispatched to attack Anakin and Padmé. C-3PO, remaining skeptical of any threat, was taken aback by R2's efforts to control the droids.
Anakin and Padmé defended themselves against the droids, but as they became overwhelmed, R2-D2 successfully reprogrammed some of the droids, halting their attacks. Alarmed, the officers, aware of Risha Synata's potential displeasure, informed the actress. Initially angered, Synata then sarcastically expressed a desire for Anakin to join her for her show.
R2-D2 eventually gained complete control of the droids, despite facing difficulties. Anakin and Padmé hurried to find Risha. Upon reaching the theater, Padmé instructed Anakin to confront Synata while she evacuated the audience. Anakin went backstage and encountered an actor who provided him with a mask. On stage, Synata watched with disdain as Padmé escorted the audience to safety. Anakin then confronted her, demanding her surrender. The actress refused and activated her red lightsaber. As the dioxis gas was released, Anakin quickly donned his black mask and ignited his lightsaber. Synata launched a rapid attack, but Anakin evaded it. He skillfully dodged further attacks and swiftly disarmed her.
Anakin and Padmé completed their report for the Jedi High Council back at the Jedi Temple. Jedi Master Mace Windu realized the importance of understanding history, as their adversaries were attempting to manipulate it. Grand Master Yoda then inquired about Risha Synata's current location.
At the Republic Judiciary Central Detention Center, Synata was being photographed in her prisoner attire. Seeking a flattering image, she requested makeup. The photographer ignored her plea and instructed her to turn to the left, which displeased Risha Synata, who did not want her bad side photographed.