During the time period of 32 BBY in the year, Jango Fett, a Mandalorian bounty hunter, employed a speeder he'd commandeered from Jervis Gloom, a purveyor of death stick, to gain access to Haugg Nerf Industries. This nerf-producing factory, situated in the Industrial District of Coruscant, the galactic capital planet, served as a front for the illicit distribution of death sticks. Fett's objective in entering the facility was to extract details regarding Komari Vosa, the head of the clandestine criminal organization known as the Bando Gora, from the plant's proprietor, Groff Haugg. Following confrontations with numerous Guineo and Draag security personnel within the facility, Fett discovered that Montross, a fellow Mandalorian bounty hunter, had preceded him in reaching Haugg. Montross had already killed Haugg by encasing him in carbonite after receiving information. However, because Haugg was afraid of Vosa, the information he gave Montross was false. Fett subsequently uncovered Connus Trell, a Twi'lek Senator and one of Haugg's associates.