This throne room, one of multiple within the Imperial Palace, provided a seat of authority for Emperor Palpatine. It notably served as the location for the culmination of the Anti-Sith conspiracy orchestrated by Grand Moff Trachta. In contrast to the main palace throne room, this particular room was characterized by its minimalist design and unadorned decor.
This throne room, situated inside the Imperial Palace, was built sometime between 19 BBY and 1 BBY. During his reign, Palpatine utilized this space for confidential discussions with his apprentice Darth Vader, advisors, and officials from the Imperial Military.
In 1 BBY, Grand Moff Trachta was summoned to this throne room by the Emperor. Palpatine informed him that he would require a detachment to accompany him on his trip to the Death Star for a meeting with Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin. Subsequently, Palpatine revealed his intentions to dissolve the Imperial Senate to Trachta. Recognizing an opportune moment to initiate his coup, Trachta inquired about Vader's presence. Palpatine instructed the Grand Moff to focus solely on his assigned duties. Later, Palpatine summoned Darth Vader to the throne room, dismissing the guards and advisor present to allow for a private conversation. Once alone, Vader was tasked with finding and eliminating a reported [lightsaber](/article/lightsaber-legends]-wielding vigilante.
Days later, the coup's final phases unfolded under the direction of Moff Kadir, who had taken command following the deaths of Trachta and Grand Moff Bartam. Along with co-conspirator Gauer, they entered the throne room accompanied by specially programmed stormtroopers. As the troopers aimed their weapons at Palpatine, his Royal Guards emerged from their concealed positions within the room's drapes, engaging Kadir and the stormtroopers in combat. Eventually, Palpatine unleashed a surge of Force lightning, killing the troopers and sparing only Kadir and his guards. When Kadir failed to shoot the Emperor and was attacked with more lightning, Palpatine revealed that he was impressed with the young Moff's supposed masterminding of the plot, but that his claim of Vader's death was false, as the Dark Lord was still alive. Returning to his throne, he activated a holocam, and together they watched Vader eliminate the remaining stormtroopers of Trachta and fellow conspirator Dezsetes. Palpatine then killed Kadir with a powerful burst of lightning.
Afterward, Vader arrived in the throne room and discussed the failed coup with his Master. He also informed Palpatine that he had successfully completed his mission regarding Dargulli. Emperor Palpatine then informed his apprentice that his next assignment would be assisting Grand Moff Tarkin in the final preparations for the Death Star.