Imperial dockyards, some of which were specifically designated as Imperial Fuel Stations for fuel storage, were a type of space stations utilized by the Galactic Empire's Imperial Navy during the Imperial Era. These stations provided maintenance and support for the Empire's numerous starships. The Fondor Shipyards, for example, comprised at least nineteen such space stations, including Fondor Station. Other examples of these dockyards included the Var-Shaa dockyard, the Remitik system munitions depot, and Fuel Station Visavi.
Resembling the Golan M3185 space station in their wheel-shaped configuration, these dockyards could be configured in various ways. They might consist of three smaller, independently operating sections, or two sections, one larger than the other. Each section featured one of three extensions designed to accommodate Star Destroyers. These extensions were equipped with clamps at their base on each side to secure the vessels. Additionally, the extensions incorporated four hangar-like openings with internal systems, along with landing pads for shuttles.

A conning tower was positioned on the dorsal surface where the extensions connected to the main station body. These towers resembled those found on Imperial Star Destroyers, but lacked a tractor beam targeting array or communications tower, as well as the two deflector shield generator domes. The command tower faced outward, overseeing its respective extension. Furthermore, a total of thirty double-barrelled turbolaser turrets were evenly distributed across the dorsal surface of the three extensions. These turrets were arranged in pairs, with each extension having six turrets per side. An additional eighteen turbolaser turrets were located within the circular hull, with six per section. These six turrets were further divided into three groups of two turbolasers, each situated in indentations. Various landing pads were also present on the surface of the extensions.
The Galactic Empire utilized the Imperial dockyards during the Galactic Civil War, specifically by the time shortly after the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY against the Rebel Alliance. At least nineteen dockyards formed the Fondor Shipyards above the Imperial world of Fondor. These shipyards operated independently, despite being Imperial installations. Fondor Station, a dockyard within the Fondor Shipyards, was attacked and ultimately fell to the Rebel Alliance during the Attack on Fondor soon after Endor. During this battle, an Alliance Fleet force, including a modified MC80 Liberty Type Heavy Star Cruiser, at least three CR90 corvettes, and numerous starfighters, assaulted the station. The ISD Dauntless was docked at the station shortly after the Empire gained control of climate disruption arrays.
After successfully repelling Alliance troop transports, corvettes, and starfighters, members of the Imperial Inferno Squad boarded the Star Cruiser and disabled its powerful ion cannons, which were severely damaging the station. Subsequently, Inferno Squad targeted and destroyed one of Fondor Station's control towers. Following this, they destroyed the docking arm control center and then the docking arms themselves. These actions freed the Dauntless, enabling it to engage and heavily damage the Alliance Star Cruiser.

In the same year that the New Republic was formed, a New Republic Defense Fleet force consisting of an MC75 Star Cruiser, an MC80 Liberty Type Heavy Star Cruiser, an MC95E Star Cruiser, an EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate, two CR90 corvettes, two GR-75 medium transports, T-65B X-wing starfighters, RZ-1 A-wing interceptors, and BTL-A4 Y-wing assault starfighter/bombers, launched a strike against the Var-Shaa dockyard orbiting Var-Shaa.
The ISD Overseer defended the dockyard against the attack. However, despite efforts by several squadrons, including Titan Squadron, to attack the MC75 Star [Cruiser](/article/cruiser], the dockyard was destroyed in a massive explosion, taking with it an Imperial I-class Star Destroyer that was docked at the station. Consequently, Commander Terisa Kerrill ordered all Imperial vessels to retreat to the Overseer in preparation for a jump to hyperspace.
A Imperial dockyard served as a munitions depot within the Remitik system and was attacked by the New Republic. Later, the New Republic again attacked the Fondor Shipyards immediately before the Battle of Jakku, successfully seizing control of them.
During the First Order-Resistance War, the First Order seized control of the shipyards above Fondor, continuing to utilize the existing dockyards.