Imperial callsigns

Imperial callsigns were identifiers employed to reference specific starships within the Imperial Navy. These call signs usually consisted of names meant to instill terror, or had a direct connection to the Tionese alphabet.


Capital ships

A starfighter pilot briefing, featuring Assault Gunboat Tau and Interdictor Red Claw.

Numerous Capital Ships serving the Imperial Navy possessed names reflecting themes of conquest or domination. Illustrative examples include Lord Vader's Super-class Star Destroyer known as the Executor, the Imperial-class Star Destroyer Devastator famous for its capture of the Tantive IV, and the Imperial-class Star Destroyer Tyrant, a picket vessel within Death Squadron during the Battle of Hoth. While this naming convention was commonplace among flagships, it wasn't universally applied throughout the entire Navy.


The system for naming Imperial starfighters was more intricate compared to that used for larger ships. Standard starfighter Flight groups generally received designations taken from the Tionese alphabet, often determined by the mission role. However, this practice was not consistently applied to specialized squadrons, such as Darth Vader's Black Squadron.


Space Superiority fighters were typically assigned the designations Alpha, Gamma, and Delta. However, when battlefield conditions demanded, designators such as Zeta, Eta, Theta, and Iota were implemented. Occasionally, Interceptor starcraft shared the letter Beta with bomber role counterparts.


Imperial TIE/sa bombers frequently carried the Flight group Beta designation. However, due to the specific demands of their missions, bombing craft also shared designations such as Alpha, Gamma, and Delta, among others, with their interceptor counterparts; this typically stemmed from the immediate requirements of warfare or the established precedent of bombing craft entering a system.

Assault fighters

Assault Craft, such as the Assault Gunboat, used callsigns like Tau, Mu, and Nu. Occasionally, Gunboat Pilots were assigned the designations Rho, Psi, and Epsilon. While not strictly assault craft, Missile Boats also utilized the designations Tau and Mu.


A flight briefing featuring Missile Boat group Tau, TIE Avengers Delta and Assault Transport Omega.

Imperial Transports, such as the Delta-class DX-9 stormtrooper transport and the Gamma-class ATR-6 assault transport, were often assigned designators like Epsilon, Upsilon, Sigma, Omicron, and Omega. Imperial Lambda-class shuttles logically received Lambda as a designation, but also shared Epsilon, Upsilon, and Sigma with other transports. Other shuttle names included Tyderium, Toten, and G'nabgib, alongside transports Zack 1, Soryi, and Runner.

Utility and Cargo Craft

The Imperial Navy's logistical operations necessitated extensive fleets of utility craft and cargo containers. These craft, too, received various designations, many of which were derived from the alternate alphabet. Cargo containers, such as the Class-A cargo container, were assigned designators such as Pi, Chi, Xi, and THX-1138. Starcraft, such as Cargo ferries and Heavy Lifters, were given designators like Upsilon and Sigma, along with names such as Mule 1.

Notable anomalies

