The Ice Crypts comprised a series of underground caverns located within the glaciers, hundreds of meters below the Hasamadhi warehouse district, situated close to Coruscant's south pole.
At the termination point of the tunnel complex existed thirteen burial rooms, each housing a mummified body accompanied by weaponry, protective gear, and spoils of combat. These remains were thought by archaeologists to belong to the chieftains of the thirteen Zhell nations, who had presumably escaped to this location following their defeat by the Taungs during the Pre-Republic era. It represented one of the few known relics from that epoch.
Around 10,000 BBY, the historian Vicendi incorporated the Ice Crypts into his compilation of the Twenty Wonders of the Galaxy.
During the era of the Galactic Republic, the crypts were accessible to the general population. However, the Galactic Empire imposed restrictions to limit access, aiming to conceal information about civilizations predating the Republic. The temperature was carefully regulated to prevent the tunnels from thawing, and visitors were barred from entering the burial rooms directly. Certain custodians reported hearing spectral voices at night, uttering the phrase "korah mahtah."