Hylei Indrexu Cortess

Hylei Indrexu Cortess, frequently referred to simply as Indrexu, held the position of queen of Ranroon around the year 25,100 BBY.

Her legacy grew within the Tion Cluster due to her opposition to the expansionist ambitions of Xim the Despot. During the intense Battle of Ranroon, her troops displayed valor against Xim's janissaries, but ultimately suffered defeat.


In recognition of the Queen, Xim renamed the Ihala Spiral to the Indrexu Spiral. Similarly, the territory seized following Indrexu's downfall was named Far Indrexu, and Xim's treasure ship was named the Queen of Ranroon.

Within the Tion Cluster, Indrexu's image remained more vibrant than any other historical figure, even Xim himself, and generated more discussion. There were scholars who asserted that she was merely a fictional character created by later playwrights. Others believed in her existence but debated her significance within Xim's empire and the details of what happened to her. Some considered her a minor character, a permanent fixture in Xim's court whose name happened to survive. On the other hand, some considered her the central figure around which the empire revolved, suggesting that even a simple glance from her could ignite the Cronese Wars, Xim's expansion, and all subsequent events.

