Hume (Rebel)

Hume, a pilot and spy who served the Rebel Alliance, operated not long after the first Death Star's destruction. Following an extended reconnaissance mission alongside Princess Leia Organa, their starship was compelled to enter Imperial-controlled territory to resupply. Upon detection of their vessel by Darth Vader's Star Destroyer, the Princess demanded they engage the enemy. Hume, not wanting the Rebellion's leader to die, rendered Leia unconscious and placed her within a gossamer glider. As the glider drifted away, Hume strategically placed his ship in the path between it and approaching TIE fighters. To ensure the princess's successful escape, Hume gave his life.

Behind the scenes

The character of Hume was featured in the comic strip Princess Leia, Imperial Servant, which was authored by Russ Helm and made available to the public in 1979. The illustrations of Hume were created by Russ Manning.

