Hrekin Thorm

Hrekin Thorm was a corpulent Human Senator hailing from Fedalle, who held positions in both the Imperial Senate and, subsequently, the New Republic Senate.


Mirroring the sentiments of those he represented, Hrekin Thorm was a practical individual who gave his support to whichever galactic superpower was in charge—provided it resulted in benefits for both himself and his planet of origin. Throughout the eras of both the Galactic Empire and the New Republic, Thorm skillfully exploited his homeworld's inherent influence and resources to further his own ambitions.

While serving within the New Republic Senate, Thorm diligently fostered connections between himself and various influential sectors located in the Core Worlds. This eventually led to his appointment to the prestigious New Republic's Inner Council, where he maintained his habit of aligning himself with popular opinion. On occasion, Hrekin Thorm demonstrated a capacity for cruelty, but only when his intended victim was already vulnerable. A notable instance of this behavior was his proposal that Kyp Durron face execution as punishment for the devastation inflicted upon Carida.

Behind the scenes

Kevin J. Anderson's initial plan was for Hrekin Thorm to be the same individual as Threkin Horm, the portly President of the Alderaanian Council introduced in The Courtship of Princess Leia. However, a mistake during the typing process occurred and was documented. When The Jedi Academy Sourcebook was being written, Hrekin Thorm was provided with a unique backstory to differentiate him from Threkin Horm, effectively making Hrekin Thorm a character whose creation was the direct result of a printing mistake.

